2011 Great Safety Record

Feb 19, 2012

Corporate Safety Director, Ruben Bera, reports that we have completed 2011 with a Great Safety Record!  We have worked in 2011 without a lost time accident and we will have one of the lowest accident rates in our company’s history!

Our field team made this record possible.  The work of an electrician is demanding and can take a toll on the body.  Lifting 6″ rigid pipe overhead all day, climbing into open trenches in the cold or heat, and numerous other activities require endurance and stamina.  The process of working safely every day requires planning and a careful approach to our work.

Our training programs are designed to give our Field Team the tools and knowledge to insure their safety.  All of our offices conduct routine and scheduled safety classes.  This is all attributed to worker attitude and management’s commitment to take care of our valuable team!


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