Our Omaha branch was recently awarded the M.U.D. Florence Low Service Pump Station project. Hawkins Construction Company was the general contractor who chose CECM to manage this 2-phase project. The project consisted of a complete remodel to their existing electrical distribution system at the Florence Plant.
The project had to be done in 2 phases, because they are required to have 3 of their 6 pumps operational at any time. These pumps provide North Omaha and the Florence community with fresh drinking water.
Commonwealth had to ensure that our sequence of operations matched the production expectations of M.U.D. It was critical that the overall production efforts of the Low Service Pump Station did not interrupt the fresh-drinking water needs of the city.
Phase I of this project started in January 2020 and will be up and running by the end of this September. Immediately following Phase I, we will start the demo on Phase II. The second half of this project has a planned completion date of January 2021. The 2-phase project is currently on schedule and will have a complete run-time of 1 year, from start to finish.
The upgrades will make the plant more efficient and reliable and help to create a more robust sequence of operations for their Low Service Pump personnel. The improved electrical capacity and maintenance functions of the plant will enhance the monitoring and daily controls for the Florence facility.
Our team for this project consisted of Adam Brumbaugh, P.E. – Project Manager; Josh Kreifels – Foreman, and Ron Castro – Field Operations Manager, along with several field electricians.
Adam, Josh, Ron and their team of electricians had to meet the needs and expectations of our customer, M.U.D. Taking an older plant and upgrading it to current technology is no easy task, but our CECM team was committed to making this happen. They displayed flexibility, efficiency and organization while providing our customer with creative and innovative solutions for M.U.D.’s Low Service Pump upgrade.
We look forward to the completion of Phase I and the start to Phase II. We value our relationship with M.U.D. and CECM will continue to live our values with each project that we perform for them.