Millcreek City Hall | Millcreek, UT

Oct 7, 2024

The Rydalch Electric, Inc. team

By Mark Rydalch – President | Rydalch Electric, Inc.

Rydalch Electric, Inc. is proud to announce the completion of a $7 million electrical contract for the new Millcreek City Hall project in Millcreek, UT.

The 76,000-square-foot, six-story building was constructed with flexibility in mind, with many spaces available for the growth of future city departmental needs. These spaces include offices, a police precinct, a ground-level dining hall and marketplace, a rooftop for events, and other dedicated community areas.

One notable facet of the city hall is a climbing wall on the building’s exterior. Another unique area of the building is the top-floor ballroom, in which the Rydalch team installed custom-painted light fixtures to match the wood grain of the timber used in construction.

The Rydalch team installed raceways and pathways for the building’s low-voltage systems, which included security systems, access controls, closed-circuit television (CCTV), a digital antenna system (DAS), audio/visual (A/V) systems, fire alarms, and lightning protection. In addition, the team provided the backbone infrastructure for wind and solar energy systems, a battery energy storage system, and multiple energy-efficient generators.

The Rydalch team worked in collaboration with General Contractor Okland Construction. Project Manager Chris Jensen led the Rydalch Electric, Inc. team, with help from General Foreman Jody Wahlberg in the field. The project began in mid-2022 and was completed in late 2023.

We are proud to have been a part of this project and look forward to continuing to provide exceptional electrical construction services to our clients.

Millcreek City Hall

General Foreman Jody Wahlberg (L) and Project Manager Chris Jensen (R)

Custom-painted light fixtures

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