Pinnacle Bank Arena | Lincoln, NE

May 29, 2013

Lincoln Communications awarded Pinnacle Bank Arena.

Pinnacle Bank Arena

In working closely with our Omaha Communications Division, our Lincoln office was awarded the Low Voltage work at the new Pinnacle Bank Arena.  The project is in full swing right now with work beginning February 2013, and with substantial completion to be done by June 21, 2013.  Our team of 8 crew members are working on the voice/data, broadcast, audio and security systems.

Ron Dodd is Superintendent on this project, with administrative support of Brad Owens.  Jerry Van Amerongen Telecommunications Manager, Lincoln office, is overseeing this large project as well as numerous other projects in the area – including the recently awarded voice and data portion of the East Stadium Remodel of Memorial Stadium.  The Lincoln communications team is busy!

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