Saddle Creek Retention Treatment Basin | Omaha, NE

Oct 21, 2020

Commonwealth Electric’s Omaha team was hired by Hawkins Construction on behalf of the city of Omaha to perform the electrical functions of this project.

This 3-Year project is part of the CSO program (Combined Sewer Overflow). The Saddle Creek Retention Treatment Basin (RTB) will provide improved water quality for the Little Papillion Creek. The purpose of the RTB facility is to capture rain and snow water, due to wet weather conditions, and treat it prior to release. Overflows can occur during these wet-weather events.

Reducing pollutant discharge to the Missouri River and Papillion Creek and ultimately improving water quality is one of the key goals of the CSO Program. The overall objective of the Missouri River Water Quality Monitoring (WQ) Program is to understand the effects of Omaha’s combined sewer system discharges on the overall water quality in the Missouri River.

Other improvements for the Saddle Creek Facility include building a head works facility with grit & screening equipment, odor control, and a chemical storing/treatment facility. In addition, an administration building will provide needed office space for full-time staff, additional city offices, and provide maintenance access to the facility.

This is the 4th major project that we have performed for the CSO program over the past 6 years. We have performed all 4 projects with Hawkins Construction as the general contractor. Adam Brumbaugh, P.E. / Project Manager has run all CSO projects for CECM, since joining the team in 2017. Matt Fuchs, General Foreman, has also been involved with all 4 major projects.

Making a difference in the lives of fellow citizens of Omaha is something to be proud of. So, whether we are helping to make safe waters for fishing, improved water for boating, or enhancing the Riverfront Downtown Development, we feel fortunate to have been given the opportunity to work with the City of Omaha’s CSO Program and to work beside Hawkins Construction Company on these community improvement projects.

By the Numbers:

Tons of soil that have been excavated to make space for basin

Gallons (in millions) of storm/sanitary water the new basin will hold

Gallons (in millions) per day of storm/sanitary water to be captured and treated at the facility

Miles the 848 beams would cover if they were stacked end-to-end on top of one another

Average length of each column (in feet)

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