By Andrew Lawrance – Project Manager | Des Moines, IA
Commonwealth Electric Company of the Midwest is pleased to work with Bergstrom Construction on an upcoming renovation at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Des Moines, IA. The project involves replacing the existing 1200A service switchgear, among other things.
St. John’s Lutheran Church was established in Des Moines shortly after the Civil War ended in 1865. The church only had room for 24 parishioners when it was first built, but there have been numerous additions over the last 159 years. In the late 1990’s, a major renovation added one of the biggest functioning pipe organs in the Midwest.
The current remodel is scheduled for completion in late 2024. We are thrilled to have Project Foreman Josh Leonard leading this project. We look forward to working with Bergstrom Construction and St. John’s Lutheran Church on this historic and meaningful project.

St. John’s existing organ